
Education Must Continue

Education Must Continue

 In northern Nigeria, an estimated one million children have been forced out of school and currently live under the threat of violence and abduction by the ongoing anti-Christian and anti-Western education insurgency campaign of jihadist terror group Boko Haram. Amidst this insecurity, Mr. Paul and Dr. Rebecca Gadzama launched Education Must Continue (EMC) following the tragic abduction of 276 #BringBackOurGirls from the Chibok Government School. This non-profit Nigerian organization empowers vulnerable children by providing them direct access to quality educational resources, reconnecting lost children with their families and partnering with local schools in cities to admit and reintegrate displaced school children. Dedicated EMC trained personnel and volunteers work closely to restore confidence and hope in these children who have been impacted by this tragedy. You can make a real and transformative difference in the lives of these children right now. Through your support, you can help turn what the UN once called “the world’s most neglected humanitarian crisis,” into a hopeful future for some of Africa’s most vulnerable.

Fundraising Goal: $1,800 ($900 for a full academic year)

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